Pests Your Home Shouldn’t Have

12/06/2014 13:17

pest control services

Homeowners are always concerned with pests and considering the fact that there are many pests, homeowners should really be concerned with this. Even if the pests are actually harmless to us, we don’t like having them because we see them as nothing but an annoyance. But the truth is some pests are not limited to annoyance only. There are pests that bring a lot of dangers like the ones we shall talk about.

White Ants or Termites

Termites are interesting creatures. They are little creatures that are very dangerous, not to humans but to our homes, infrastructures and belongings. Although termites have mandibles and can sting, they rarely attack people. They also don’t spread germs. The only thing they do is consume wood and destroy homes and other infrastructures.

A termite doesn’t eat much but it lives with thousands of other termites in a single colony. Hence, they consume plenty of wood in just a short period of time. If they are gone unnoticed, it would only take them several months to turn a small house into rubble. If there are termites present, you would then need to call termite company Los Angeles.


Mice and their bigger relative the rats are pests with extreme danger. They not only pose hazards to our belongings and homes but also to our health. These rodents would likely chew anything that they could find. They could chew on electrical wires and cause fire hazards. They could chew on wood and damage fine pieces of furniture. They can even chew holes on walls and reduce your home’s value.

These pests bring huge danger to human health. Rats and mice are dirty creatures and they spread life threatening illnesses like leptospirosis and rabies. These illnesses are dangerous and would cost us a lot of money for treatments.
